The day finally arrived... Paris was coming home... YAY... so I finished work early, then went to daycare and picked up Cammy and my niece CJ. CJ was so excited, and Cammy just bounced off her excitment...

here they are in the car on the way to the airport
We arrived at the airport at 3.30pm which is the time Paris' plane landed - in hindsight this was the WRONG time to arrive, as it's a long wait for little people... and closer to 4pm would have been sufficient.

Waiting ever so patiently
The kids were so well behaved... Cammy was happy people watching... CJ on the other hand... well she just wanted Paris to come through the doors "aunty, Paris is taking for a long time" "aunty, Paris is lost" "No she's not darling" "yes she is, cause she can't find us" "aunty, when is Paris coming home" and it went on...

still waiting... but this is fun too aunty....
and cammy was ever so patient also
and then.... FINALLY {at 4.40pm}... here comes Paris.... {it's a really shit photo - sorry}
then CJ was asking if Paris was allowed to come home with us... it was too cute... she wouldn't let go of her hand... and the two of the happily posed for some pictures...
Cammy was pretty excited also, but was trapped in his pushchair lol... once in the car, him and Paris kept giving each other kisses... it was very cute... it was clear that he had indeed also missed Paris, but is just a little to young to understand and express his feelings...
I apologise for the photo overload...but as you can probably tell, I'm just so darned happy to have my baby girl home... and she has said she had a great time... and has even said she will go back and spend more holidays with her dad, however, she has also asked if it can be a shorter holiday next time... I'm cool with that :)