September 10, 2010

2 days of my life I will NEVER get back...


I stupidly let my First Aid Certificate lapse 5 years ago...

So today and yesterday, were spent on a 2 day Work Place First Aid Course... Well I have NEVER been so bored in my whole life... Some of you may be thinking, that's rude of me, I should have been there to learn, but the thing is, I teach kids first aid week in and week out - I'm very up with the play on First Aid, and have never NOT known what to do... but legally - I needed the certificate to say that I was current in my First Aid...

I do recommend that at least one person in every household does a first aid course - I mean, it could save the life of a loved one...

But I do think - they could jazz up the course a bit, so you don't want to sleep the whole day

1 comment:

EYE can make that! said...

I agree... I did a first aid course for work a few weeks ago... boring!