February 24, 2013

Domesticated Me

our new house has fruit trees... lots of fruit trees... and the plum crop is a bumper one... so I thought I would try my hand and making plum jam... I was a bit nervous so I halved the recipe to avoid too much wastage if it didn't work... but I shouldn't have worried... the jam turned out awesome!! I'm so proud of myself...

I had some cast off jars that didn't make the cut for the wedding, but gosh they were perfect for Jam :)

After the jam turned out so well, I tried my hand at making lemonade scones to go with it... they too were a hit.. such a hit, they were all gone before I could take a picture lol

that was yesterday...

Today, I headed to the fruit and veg shop as usual, and this time decided to buy one of the boxes of speckled fruit for $2.99... currently I have a mix of apples, plums and apricots stewing on the stove... the peaches will be done next... these stew mixes will be frozen and used for muffins and crumbles throughout the next few months...

I also got a pack of bobby banana's for .79c so will make a couple of banana cakes also...

Yup... this is the new, domesticated me... {also the new frugal me}

February 09, 2013

Learning New Things...

This morning I attended a course on making Fondant figures... Here is what I made...