April 19, 2011

3 weeks already...

Times flies so fast when you have a newborn... I am slowly adjusting to life as a SAHM to a toddler and newborn...

Cam is becoming easier and easier to deal with by the day - it helps that I hid all his DVD's as they were causing soooo many problems... it also helps, I think, that is still attending daycare 2 days a week, so I am garunteed a small break every Tuesday and Thursday... although how much longer I can afford those 2 days I don't know... will take each week as it comes...

Axel is a cruisy baby... he is currently waking only once at night at around 2.30-3.00am for a quick {10min} feed before going back to bed till 6am ish... this of course means that I am not a tired, strung out mum for the other kids...

Long may it continue...

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