January 27, 2011

A Week at Home

So the rain set in at the Caravan on Thursday night last week... and along with it came the gale force winds... Friday and Saturday were no better at all... after not sleeping at all on Saturday night due to the wind, I decided early Sunday Morning that we were heading home...

With the help of my parents, I packed up the caravan and awning, loaded all our gear {and what felt like hundreds of wet towels etc} and headed up...

And what do you know...? the rain stopped on Monday lunchtime haha always the way really... but what a lovely relaxing week I have had at home... I caught up on all the washing {for free}, sent Cam to daycare - where he moved from the under 2's to over 2's classroom, and chilled...

On tuesday, I took Paris to the movies, and we saw Tangled... What a great movie... and how lovely to spend some alone time with my darling daughter...

Wednesday, we had coffee at a friends place, and chilled some more...

Today - has been spend doing more washing {I swear, it never ends}, but again - It's relaxing...

I'm hoping to sort the study out today, as that is the room that has been most neglected since moving here, and still has boxes etc, left to unpack... I am wanting to set it up with the desk and computer for the kids homework, but also with the new babies cot, so thats one more thing out of the way...

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