April 23, 2010

my ANZAC biscuit attempt

So anyone who know's me well, knows that biscuits are NOT my forte... cakes, cupcakes and muffins, they ARE my thing lol infact all biscuits that I have baked in the past, have turned out as really flat, hard, crunchy, nice tasting pancakes lol but I figured that ANZAC biscuits were meant to be flat... meant to be hard and crunchy, so I couldn't possibly fail could I??

so when I told Ian tonight that I was going to make ANZAC biscuits, he half laughed, half choked lol... but I was determined...

Using the basic recipe that I posted here I set about following the instructions...

here are my biccies before going into the oven:

and after they came out of the oven

And.... they taste awesome!!!!!


A Life Less Complicated said...

yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm they look tasty too!

PaisleyJade said...

Well done! Everytime I try these they seem to turn out totally different. I might just have to give them a go again!!